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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 53 Disrespect to soil of Imam Husain Grave Merits of Turbah of Imam Husain (a.s.)

Merits of Turbah of Imam Husain (a.s.)

Merits of Turbah of Imam Husain (a.s.)

We have many traditions emphasising the greatness and beneficence of the soil of Karbala. We shall narrate two incidents with regard to the beneficial effects of Turbah and two anecdotes of the consequences of showing disrespect to it.

 The respected scholar Shaykh MufÄ«d’s teacher, Shaykh Ibn Qulaway records in his book Kamiluz Ziyarāt a narration from Muhammad Ibn Muslim. He says: I went to Madinah and fell seriously ill. Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) sent his slave with a vessel containing a drink covered with a handkerchief for me. The slave told me to drink it immediately because Imam (a.s.) had commanded him not to return till I have had it. The sherbet was cool and had the fragrance of musk. The servant told me: ‘It is the Master’s command that after taking the medicine you present yourself to him?’ I was astonished that I was hardly able to get up, neither could I stand on my feet, how could I go to Imam (a.s.)? But as soon as I took the drink I felt as if I was released from tethering chains. I walked on my own to the residence of Imam (a.s.) and sought permission to enter. Imam (a.s.) said, ‘You have regained health, so enter!’

 I entered weeping and saluted Imam (a.s.) and kissed his hands. ‘Why are you weeping, Muhammad?’ asked Imam (a.s.) I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for you, I am weeping upon my lack of strength, separation from hometown, distance from my destination, separation from your respected self and the deprivation of your company.

Imam (a.s.) said,

‘Due to lack of strength our Shias remain in difficulties and problems like you. But as far as your being at a distance from your hometown is concerned, the fact is that a believer is like an alien amidst the corrupt people of this world, till the time he meets his death. But as for your saying that your house is very far from Madinah you must follow Abu Abdillah Imam Husain (a.s.). How he left Medina and made the bank of Euphrates, his abode. As for your love and the desire of seeing us, Allah is aware of your feelings and He would surely reward you for your good intentions.’

After this Imam (a.s.) asked,

‘Do you go for the Ziarat of Imam Husain (a.s.)?’

‘Yes,’ I replied, ‘But in great fear.’

He said,

‘The more fear and hardships are there, the more rewarding it shall be.’

One who is fearful of undertaking this journey shall be safe from the hazards on the day of Qiyāma. He shall return, purified of sins.

 Then Imam (a.s.) asked how I had found the drink? I said, ‘I testify that you Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s.) are Mercy and inheritors of Prophets (a.s.). When the servant brought the sherbet I didn’t have the strength to stand. I had lost all hopes of remaining alive. When I drank the sherbet I felt that I had never drunk anything more tasty, fragrant and cool.

 The servant told me that my master had summoned me, so I decided I will try to reach him even if I died in the endeavour. When I set out, I felt that my malady had disappeared and I thanked Allah for making your respected self a channel of mercy for the Shias. Imam (a.s.) said, ‘The Sherbet you drank, was made from the soil of the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.). It is that beneficial thing which I use as medicine. Beware! Do not consider anything its equal. We give it to our children and women and perceive its unlimited benefits.’ I said, May I be sacrificed on you, we shall also pick it up and seek cure from it.’ Imam (a.s.) said, ‘When people pick it up from the vicinity of Imam Husain’s tomb and take it outside they do not accord the respect due to it and do not keep it packed in a secure way. So every Jinn, animals and all those creatures who are in need smell from it and thus others derive benefit from it. However, a soil that contains such a cure must not be stored like this, lest it loses its effect. If one can ensure its protection then one should touch it to ones body or consume it, one shall be cured at once. Turbah is just like Hajar al-Aswad (the black stone) that used to glow like a white ruby and any diseased person who touched it used to be cured. Due to the infidels and the people of Jahiliyya touching it often, it became black and its effect lessened.

 I asked, ‘How should we pick up the respected turbah? And how should we store it?’ Imam (a.s.) said,

‘You also pick up the turbah like other people and without wrapping it up in anything you keep it in your dirty bag. In this way it loses its barakat’.

‘You are right, Master,’ I said. Then he said, ‘How would you take it if I were to give you a little bit of Turbah?’ I said that I shall keep it between the layers of my clothes and carry it away.’ Imam (a.s.) said,

‘When you return you may drink as much Sherbet as you like but do not take any Turbah with you because you will not be able to take care of it’

Before I left, Imam (a.s.) gave me the same sherbet twice. After that I never suffered from the disease again.

(Mustanadush Shia / Layalial Akhbar)

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