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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 53 Disrespect to soil of Imam Husain Grave The Fiftieth Greater Sin: Disrespect to the soil of Imam Husain's Grave (Turbah)

The Fiftieth Greater Sin: Disrespect to the soil of Imam Husain's Grave (Turbah)

Chapter 53

The Fiftieth Greater Sin: Disrespect to the soil of Imam Husain’s Grave (Turbah)


Soil which is in the vicinity of the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.) is sacred. Allah has bestowed it with beneficence, unsurpassed in compassion to any other material. Allah has ordained it to be a cure for every illness, and source of Barakat and Divine mercy.

It is the most sacred of all things that can be used for prostration during the worship of Allah. Because of the utmost respect and faith that Shias have in the Turbah of Karbala, it has been used by us in different ways to overcome numerous problems.

Disrespect is shown by throwing it, stepping upon it or making it Najis, etc. If one drops a rosary (tasbhi) or Mohr of Turbah accidentally in the toilet, one is obliged to pick it up at once and purify it. It is Harām to use this toilet till the Turbah is removed. If removing it is not feasible the toilet must be sealed to prevent its use in future, as explained by us in the chapter of disrespect of Qur’an.

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