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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 52 Disrespect of the Tombs of Ma’sūmīn(AS) The Forty-ninth Greater Sin: Disrespect of the Tombs of Ma’sūmīn (a.s.)

The Forty-ninth Greater Sin: Disrespect of the Tombs of Ma’sūmīn (a.s.)

Chapter 52

The Forty-ninth Greater Sin: Disrespect of the Tombs of Ma’sūmīn (a.s.)


Respect of the tombs of the Messenger of Allah (S) and the Holy Imams is Wajib in the view of all Muslims because every religious person considers their disrespect a greater sin. Many traditions speak of the respect necessary from the Tahzīb of Shaykh Mufīd.

The Messenger of Allah (S) addressed Amir ul-Mu’minīn (a.s.) and said,

“O ‘Ali! The Almighty Allah has made your grave and the graves of your progeny a section (piece of land) of Paradise. And gave it an exalted position. Allah has made the hearts of his pure-hearted and sincere servants to incline towards them. Those who bear all kinds of difficulties and insults for your sake. They shall habitate your shrines. They shall continue to visit them (do Ziarat) for the pleasure of Almighty Allah and for the love of His Messenger (S).

O ‘Ali! These very people will deserve my special intercession. On the day of Qiyāma they will arrive at my pool and shall be my neighbours. Those who carry out the construction of these tombs and come to visit them are like those who helped Hazrat Sulaiman (a.s.) in building the Baitul Maqdas. The reward of seven non-obligatory Hajjs is there for those who visit them. His sins will be washed off as if he has just emerged from the womb.

O ‘Ali! Good news to you! And to your followers of such bounties that eyes have not yet seen nor ears heard them. They have not even entered human imagination so far. But there shall be some disgraceful people who would insult, persecute and criticise the visitors to your graves like the criticism of a wanton female. They shall be the most mischievous people of my Ummah who would not receive my intercession and they shall never be able to reach my pool.”


For detailed traditions on the subject please refer to Wafi, Wasa’il ul-Shia and Bihār al-Anwār Vol. 22.

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