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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 51 Disrespect to Masajid Staying in the Mosque in a state of Janabat, Haiz or Nifas

Staying in the Mosque in a state of Janabat, Haiz or Nifas

Staying in the Mosque in a state of Janabat, Haiz or Nifas

A Junub person, a woman in haiz or Nifas is not permitted to stay in a mosque. Thus the Holy Qur’an says,
“Nor when you are under an obligation to perform a bath — unless (you are) travelling on the road — until you have washed yourselves.”

(Surah an-Nisā’ 4: 43)

 In other words a Junub person is allowed to pass through a mosque from one door and out of another. He cannot come out from the same door nor leave anything inside the mosque. However, in the case of Masjidul Harām, Masjidun Nabi and Masjidul Aqsa the Junub persons and haiz and Nifas women cannot even pass through them.


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