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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 44 The Forty-first Greater Sin: Backbiting Expiation and Repentance for Ghiība

Expiation and Repentance for Ghiība

Expiation and Repentance for Ghiība

            As GhiÄ«ba is a greater sin anyone falling into it, is obliged to feel remorse for having disobeyed Allah (S.w.T.). After sincere repentance he must seek forgiveness, with the intention of never repeating it in the future. As mentioned in some of the traditions, if possible one must apologize to the person whose GhiÄ«ba he had done. He must beg him for forgiveness and somehow obtain his satisfaction. Also he must make up for it by speaking well of the person in proportion to the GhiÄ«ba he has committed with regard to this person.

             This is more appropriate when the person is already dead and it is not possible to contact him. Or there is a good chance, the person will be more angry and would distance himself further. For example when he is ignorant of what was said about him and by hearing about the GhiÄ«ba he would be infuriated. The aim of seeking his forgiveness would not be achieved. In such cases we should ask Allah (S.w.T.)’s forgiveness for him and beseech Allah (S.w.T.) to make this person happy, as mentioned in the 39th Du’a of Sahifa Sajjadiya. It is also mentioned in the supplication of Monday.


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