
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

A Corpse among the Living

A Corpse among the Living

Amir ul-Mu’minÄ«n ‘Ali (a.s.) says:

Some believers perform Nahy Anil Munkar with heart, tongue and hands. These people possess good qualities from every aspect. While some do Nahy Anil Munkar with heart and tongue. They have two good qualities and lack the third one. Others perform Nahy Anil Munkar only with their hearts and have only one good quality. They are deprived of the two higher qualities. But the person who has none of these Three qualities is like a corpse amongst the living. In comparison to Amr bil Ma’rÅ«f and Nahy Anil Munkar other good deeds and Jihad in the way of Allah  is like a drop of water in comparison to the sea. By performing Amr bil Ma’rÅ«f and Nahy Anil Munkar someone’s death does not come near and neither is there any reduction in sustenance.

(Wasa’il ul-Shia Vol. 11 page 404.)


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