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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 41 To Neglect any Obligatory Act What are Wajibāt (Obligatory Acts)?

What are Wajibāt (Obligatory Acts)?

What are Wajibāt (Obligatory Acts)?

Any action that is commanded by Allah (S.w.T.), the performance of which carries rewards and its neglect is assured punishment is a Wajib. There are many Wajibāt of the Almighty but the most important of them on which is based the foundation of Islam are five: Prayer, Fast, Hajj, Zakat and Wilāyat, Some traditions refer to these as the pillars of faith and the codes of Islam. The compiler of Wasa’il ul-Shia has mentioned some of these traditions and then remarked, “Amr bil Ma’rÅ«f and Nahy Anil Munkar is a form of Jihad and Jihad comes under Wilāyat.”

As indicated in the traditions since Khums is the substitute for the rights of Sadat, it is a part of Wilāyat too. In this way the pillars of faith or the branches of religion number ten:

 1.      Prayer

2.       Fast

3.       Hajj

4.      Zakat

5.      Khums

6.      Jihad

7.      Amr bil Ma’rÅ«f

8.      Nahy Anil Munkar

9.      Tawalla

10.  Tabarra.


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