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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 39 Non–Payment of Zakat Types of Zakat and its Quantity

Types of Zakat and its Quantity

Types of Zakat and its Quantity

Zakat is of two types, Obligatory and recommended. Obligatory Zakat is again of two types. The Zakat of wealth and the Zakat of body (Fitra). The Zakat of wealth is for nine items: Four food grains (Wheat, barley, dates and dried grapes); Three quadrupeds, (Sheep or goats, cows and camels) and two types of coins, (gold and silver).

Zakat of food grains becomes obligatory when wheat, barley, dates or resins reach a particular quantity (Nisāb). The Nisāb (taxable limit) is fixed at 40 mithqal less than 280 Tabrizi mounds approximately equal to 847 Kilograms. If the cultivation of wheat, barley, dates or resins was carried out by rain water, stream/river or from the moisture of the earth (like the lands of Egypt etc.) the Zakat payable is one-tenth of the total yield. But if it was cultivated with well-water etc. the Zakat is 1/20 (twentieth part / 5%).



-1 #1 quantity of zakatahmad idris 2017-12-11 14:46
me and my frnd cultivate maize and we got 19.5 of untresh and before treshing it one and half got stolen and after its was been treshed we got seven and half bag. so what is the zakat quantity. its rain fed

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