
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Obligatory Prayers

Obligatory Prayers 

Obligatory Prayers are six in number. The details of which are as follows:

 1.                  Five daily prayers that are 17 rakats in all. Morning, two; Noon, four; Afternoon, four; Evening, Three; and Night, four.

 2.                  Prayers of Ayāt: It is an obligatory prayer of two rakats, that has to be offered in case of a natural phenomena like lunar or solar eclipse or a natural calamity like earthquake or any other natural phenomena that causes fear in general.

 3.                  Prayer of Tawāf (Circumambulating the Kāba): Anyone performing the Tawāf of Ka’ba is obliged to perform two rakat prayers at the Maqām al-IbrahÄ«m (the standing place of Prophet IbrahÄ«m).

 4.                  The Prayers that become obligatory on account of vow, oath or promise or if one accepts compensation for offering prayers of a deceased person.

 5.                  The prayers missed by the deceased father (and also the deceased mother on the basis of precaution) are obligatory on the eldest son.

 6.                  The Prayer of Mayyit (Burial Prayer). It is obligatory to bathe and shroud the dead body of every Muslim and to perform the burial prayer before burying him. The Prayer of Mayyit is obligatory for all deceased Muslim children aged six or above.

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