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Various Kinds of Magic

Various Kinds of Magic

There are many fields of study dealing with various awe-striking feats and extraordinary deeds; and it is very difficult to classify them so as not to leave anything out. However, we give here a list of the more commonly used branches of this art.

 a)      as-Simiya: It deals with the ways of combining the will-power with particular physical and material forces for manipulating the natural order and, thus, producing extraordinary effects. Under this head comes the manipulation of thought, also known as the eye-enchantment.

It is the most deserving candidate for the title of magic

 b)      al-Limiya: It teaches how one may establish a connection between his psyche and the higher and stronger spirits, in order that one may bring them under one’s control, for example, the spirits of the stars, or the jinn, etc.

It is also called the knowledge of subjugation of the spirits.

 c)      al-Himiya: It explains how the powers of the higher spiritual world may be combined with the base elements of this world to produce awe-inspiring effects. It is also called talisman. The stars and their configuration have some relation to the material happenings of this world, in the same way as the elements and compounds and their physical qualities affect those phenomena. Supposedly if the heavenly forms, pertaining to a certain event, for example, A’s life or B’s death, could be combined with the relevant material forms, the desired effect would take place without fail.

 d)      ar-Rimiya: It trains one how to control and manipulate the qualities of various things, to produce seemingly super-natural effects. It is also called “ash-Sha’badhah” (sleight of hand, jugglery, magic).

 These four fields of knowledge, together with the fifth, called “al-Kimiya” (alchemy, the forerunner of chemistry, primarily the attempt to transmute base metals into gold or silver) formed what the ancients called the five secrets, mysterious branches of knowledge.

 Ash-Shaykh al-Bahai has said: “The best book written on these subjects was the one I saw in Herat, ‘Kulah al-sar’ (the head’s cap) by name. Its name was an acronym, made of the first letters of the five subjects, that is, al-Kimiya, al-Limiya, al-Himiya, al-Simiya and ar-Rimiya.”

The standard books of these subjects are the epitome of the books of Balinas, Rasa’il, al-Khusraw Shahi, adh-Dhakhirah, al-Iskandariyya, as-Sirru’l makhtum (by ar-Razi), at-Taskhirat (by as-Sakkaki) and A’malu’l-kawakib as-Sab’ah (by al-Hakim Tamtam al-Hindi).

 Supplementary of the above are the following subjects:

 e)      The knowledge of numbers (numerology): It shows the relation of numbers and letters with the desired effect. The relevant letters or numbers are filled in a magic square or triangle etc. in a particular sequence.

 f)        al-Khafiyah (the hidden knowledge): It breaks down the name of the desired effect or other relevant names, and finds out the names of the angels or the satans managing the said effect; and then composes the invocations made of those names.

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