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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 31 Helping the Oppressors Preventing others from evil is most important

Preventing others from evil is most important

Preventing others from evil is most important

Enjoining good and forbidding evil are the Divine commands, which are obligatory to be followed. They are so important that in case of their clashing with other duties, priority has to be given to these comands. If mother, father, son or some relative do not obey the divine obligatory commands like praying etc. And if by withholding kindness and help from them, it is possible to reform them and induce them to give up their sinful ways, then it is Wajib to withhold kindness and help from them. The same reasoning applies to Sayyids, neighbours and the followers of Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s.) who have a right on us. But if withholding help is not going to make any difference in their behaviour, then it is meaningless to adopt such measures. For these were witheld only that they may force the sinners to reform. Otherwise there is no point in employing these retaliatory tactics. If one’s parents and relatives are not in the habit of ritual prayers and dissociating with them will not change their attitude; then it is Harām to dissociate with them or disobey them.


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