
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 31 Helping the Oppressors We must not co-operate in sinful deeds

We must not co-operate in sinful deeds

We must not co-operate in sinful deeds

It is also Harām to help an oppressor whose oppression is not directed to others; but he is unjust to himself. For example to omit prayers and avoid fasting, to drink wine, commit adultery, gambling etc. Every type of sinner is being unjust to himself. Hence helping him in being unjust to himself is also prohibited. One who helps him is his partner in sin. The Almighty Allah has mentioned:

 “Help one another in goodness and piety, and do not help one another in sin and oppression, and be careful of (your duty to) Allah, surely Allah is severe in requiting (evil).”

(Surah al-Mā’ida 5:2)

 Sin (Ithm) is limited to the one who commits it and aggression (udwān) affects others too.

All the proofs and arguments that are applicable to the obligation of forbidding evil also apply here.

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