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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 30 Becoming A’Arāb after Hijrat Neglecting religious knowledge

Neglecting religious knowledge

Neglecting religious knowledge 

If a person begins to acquire religious knowledge but later discontinues the same it is considered reverting to nomandism by some. However, it is Harām only if his religious education is obligatory (i.e. if he leaves it, he will go astray). However, it is incumbent to continue acquiring knowledge till the end of one’s life so that one can continue to perform good deeds with sincerity and purity of intention. In this way a person becomes righteous and deserving of the rewards of his good deeds, both in this world and the hereafter.

As the Holy Prophet (S) has said:

“Acquire knowledge from the cradle to the grave.”


[10] Zainuddin Jebel Amili

[11] Muhammad Ibn Makki


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