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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 30 Becoming A’Arāb after Hijrat Propagating Wilāyat in areas of Kuffar

Propagating Wilāyat in areas of Kuffar

Propagating Wilāyat in areas of Kuffar

Samād says that he told Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.), that he was travelling to an area populated by polytheists and that he would have to stay there for some time. Some of the Mu’minÄ«n had told him that it was not advisable to travel there because if he were to die in that place he would be counted among the polytheists. Imam (a.s.) asked him if he would be able to propagate the Wilāyat of Ahl ul-Bayt and invite people towards truth in that place? Samād said, “Yes, master, there is total freedom of expression and religion. The people there, are receptive of truth.” Then Imam (a.s.) asked whether such a freedom was possible in an Islamic area. Samād said, “No! On the contrary we have to practise extreme Taqiyya, and none of us can even dare to utter the names of one of you (Imams).” Imam (a.s.) told him,

“If death overcomes you in such a place you would be counted as a monotheist community.” [i.e. he will be equal to a whole community of monotheists; like Hazrat IbrahÄ«m (a.s.)]. The light of belief will emanate from your face.”

(Wasa’il ul-Shia)

 Allamah Majlisi (r.a.) writes in the Sharh of al-Kāfi that it is possible that A’arāb means to become a nomad again or to forgo Hijrat after the order of Hijrat has been revealed. Like the prohibition of interest, which came into force only after the Divine command was revealed. Nevertheless, since the early period, failure to migrate without a valid reason or to migrate and then revert to nomadism, both of these are Greater Sin and promised the fire of Hell by the Almighty Allah.

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