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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 27 Consumption of Harām A morsel of Halāl food

A morsel of Halāl food

A morsel of Halāl food

Eating Harām gives rise to every type of infamy. Whereas, the Halāl morsel is the cause of every kind of goodness and charity. Numerous traditions praise the acquisition of livelihood through lawful means. For example the Holy Prophet (S) says,

“Worship consists of seventy parts and the best part is earnings by lawful means.”


The Messenger of Allah  (S) has also said,

“When a man eats Halāl food an angel stands over his head and prays for his forgiveness till he finishes eating.”


The Prophet  (S) has remarked in a similar vein,

“One who strives to earn his livelihood in a lawful manner from morning till night, achieves salvation.”


 The Holy Prophet (S) states that Allah has said:

“I will not care on the Day of Qiyāma from which door he enters Hell, the person who does not care from which door he earns money in this world.”

(Bihār al-Anwār)

The Prophet of Allah (S) has also mentioned the following tradition:

“One who does nor care from which way he earns wealth in this world will be sent to Hell in Qiyāma and I shall not care from which way he is made to enter it.”

(Bihār al-Anwār)

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