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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 27 Consumption of Harām Accepting a bribe for doing something lawful

Accepting a bribe for doing something lawful

Accepting a bribe for doing something lawful 

It must however be made clear that though it is permitted to gift something for lawful acts or to save oneself from oppression, it is detestable to accept such gifts. Because these gifts bear a close resemblance to bribe. Also, the habit of bribing for lawful things may make a man habitual and he may be inclined to pay bribes for unlawful purposes too. One is prone to error. If a pious person refrains for Makrūh (detestable) bribe he will never be prone to the Harām bribe. The following tradition supports this fact.

 “Those are they for whom Allah does not desire that He should purify their hearts; they shall have disgrace in this world, and they shall have a grievous chastisement in the hereafter. (They are) listeners of a lie, devourers of what is forbidden.”

(Surah al-Mā’ida 5:41-42)

 Explaining this ayat, Amir ul-Mu’minÄ«n ‘Ali (a.s.) says:

“It is that person who fulfills the wish of his believing brother and accepts a gift in return.”

Shaykh Ansari says in the book, Makasibul Ä€māl: “There are many explanations of this tradition. One of it is that we must absolutely refrain from accepting gifts in return for favours done that we may never fall into the trap of accepting bribe.”

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