
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Everything has a measure

Everything has a measure

In Surah al-Hadid, Allah (S.w.T.), the Almighty says:

 “Certainly We sent Our apostles with clear arguments, and sent down with them the Book and the balance that men may conduct themselves with equity.”

 (Surah al-Hadid 57:25)

 By the word ‘balance’, Allah (S.w.T.) means justice and Allah (S.w.T.) has appointed a ‘balance’ for everything. The belief of men and the truth and falsehood is also tested on this basis. The good and bad morals and qualities are also evaluated on the scales of justice. If men conform to justice in their speech and actions and belief and deeds they will be able to establish true justice in the world.


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