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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 26 Short-Wheghing & Cheating(in Business) A person who short-weighs is not a Mu’min

A person who short-weighs is not a Mu’min

A person who short-weighs is not a Mu’min

According to the Qur’anic ayats, one who resorts to short weighing and defrauding does not believe in the Day of Judgement and the Hereafter. If the person had any belief in the Hereafter, he would know that, even if he succeedes in fooling people, he would never be able to hide his fraud from the Lord of the worlds; he would realize that on the Day of Judgement he would have to account for whatever he has earned by defrauding and make good the loss.

 A butcher who was an idol-worshipper used to give more than the prescribed weight. When people asked him the reason for this he pointed up towards the top of the wall and said, “I give more because of him.” When people looked up they saw an idol installed there. Another idol-worshipping shopkeeper was well known for his habit of casting a glance at the idol before he proceeded to weigh some goods.

When Hazrat YÅ«suf (a.s.) and Zulekha were alone in the room, Zulekha covered the idol with a cloth. Hazrat YÅ«suf (a.s.) asked her,

“Why have you covered the idol?”

She said, “I feel ashamed before it!” Hazrat YÅ«suf (a.s.) said,

“You feel ashamed before a lifeless idol created by men, when it has no power of understanding. How can I not feel ashamed before the Almighty Lord Who is ever present and all-seeing?”

Saying this he fled from that place and saved himself from fornication.

It is a great pity that idol worshippers are ashamed to commit sins in view of their idols, which are lifeless objects, whereas Muslims have no qualms in commiting sins before Allah (S.w.T.)  for Whom nothing is hidden in the heaven and the earth.

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