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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 24 The Twenty-Second Greater Sin:Khayanat The burden of Khayanat and the Day of Judgement

The burden of Khayanat and the Day of Judgement

The burden of Khayanat and the Day of Judgement

The Messenger of Allah (S) has said,

“Beware! One should not commit Khayanat of even one camel! Otherwise, he will be summoned on the Day of Qiyāma riding the same camel and bleating like a camel.

Beware! One should not commit Khayanat of even one horse! Otherwise he will be summoned on the Day of Qiyāma riding the same horse and neighing like a horse.

He will be calling me for help, ‘O Muhammad! O Muhammad!’ I will tell him that I had already warned him. Now I have no responsibility concerning him against Allah.”


 Allamah Majlisi has recorded a tradition from the Holy Prophet (S):

“You must return even a needle and thread. For Khayanat will cause untold degradation and exposure of defects on the Day of Qiyāma.”

A man came to the Holy Prophet (S) with a needle that he had taken without permission. He said, “I had taken this needle to sew a pack saddle for my camel.”

The Holy Prophet (S) told him,

“If this needle belongs to me I have forgiven you. However, if it belongs to the other Muslims you must pay for it so that it could be included in the public treasury for equal distribution.”

“I was not aware that it was such a serious matter,” the Arab remarked, “If it is so, I will not keep the needle with me.” He handed over the needle to the Holy Prophet (S) and went away.

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