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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 23 Non fulfilment of a Promise Honouring the terms of the treaty with the Quraish

Honouring the terms of the treaty with the Quraish

Honouring the terms of the treaty with the Quraish

Huzaifa Yamani says that there was one thing that discouraged me from participating in the Battle of Badr. Abu Husael and I were going out when we came face to face with some men from the Quraish. They asked, “Do you love Muhammad?”

“We love Madinah,” we replied.

They made us promise that after reaching Madinah we shall not accompany the Holy Prophet (S) in the battle. When we met the Holy Prophet (S) and told him of this promise he said,

“Do not think of joining in the battle due to this oath of yours. We shall seek the Divine assistance!”

The above two traditions are recorded in the book, “Islam and World Peace” by Sayyid Qutb, page 264.


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