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Types of Promises

Types of Promises

There are Three types of promises:

 1. Promise of Allah (S.w.T.) to His creatures.

2. Promise of the creatures to Allah (S.w.T.).

3. Promises of the people among themselves.

 The promise of Allah (S.w.T.) to His creatures is that of the Ä€lam al-Zar (in the spiritual plane). We come to know of this promise through the Qur’anic ayats as well as the traditions. According to this, Allah (S.w.T.) first created the souls of all human beings and made the following covenant: That they remain upon the right path, do not associate anyone or anything with Allah (S.w.T.), obey the commands of their Prophet, and do not follow Shaitan, Allah (S.w.T.) shall recompense them by helping them, by keeping them forever in His mercy, and give them a place in Paradise but if they do not respect their covenant, Allah (S.w.T.) will also disregard His side of the promise. It is for this very fact, that Allah (S.w.T.) says.

 “...and be faithful to (your) covenant with Me, I will fulfill (My) covenant with you.”

(Surah al-Baqarah 2:40)

 Allah (S.w.T.) also says,

 “Did I not charge you, O children of Adam, that you should not serve the Shaitan?”

(Surah Yasīn 36:60)

 The covenant that Allah (S.w.T.) took from the people in the spiritual plane also includes the oath with regard to the Wilāyat (Mastership) of Amir ul-Mu’minÄ«n ‘Ali (a.s.) and the Imams (a.s.). Numerous traditions mention this fact. It is even recorded in the various heavenly scriptures, and all the Prophets have conveyed the message of the Wilāyat of the Fourteen Ma’sÅ«mÄ«n (a.s.).

 However, some scholars have rejected this concept of the Ä€lam al-Arwah or Ä€lam al-Zar. They give a different explanation to the traditions and ayats that deal with this subject. According to them Ä€lam al-Arwah (the spiritual plane) is essentially the innate human nature, which is so designed by Allah (S.w.T.)  that it is desirous of obeying Allah (S.w.T.)’s command and does not desire to follow Shaitan. Of course the reasoning capacity of man directs him to follow his nature and accordingly obey Allah (S.w.T.)s orders. Hence if a man goes against Allah (S.w.T.)’s command he goes against his own nature. These thinkers consider the covenant, to be the same as the innate nature given to us by Allah (S.w.T.) . This book is not concerned with the detail of these two theories.

 Anyway whether a man breaks the promise given in Ä€lam al-Zar, or goes against his innate nature, he commits a greater sin. This fact has been emphasised in most ayats and traditions, and it is confirmed that honoring the covenant is Wajib and not respecting it is Harām. It is also confirmed that the breaking of this first covenant can bring severe chastisement. The people are also warned of dire consequences in case of default. The traditions also inform us that serious retribution incured just for violating the first covenant, which is the greatest of the sins. Hence it is incumbent upon the people to fulfill their covenant so that Allah (S.w.T.) may also fulfill His promise.

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