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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 21 False Testimony Punishment of hell for the false witness

Punishment of hell for the false witness

Punishment of hell for the false witness

Hazrat Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) says,

“Whenever a person testifies falsely to usurp the property of a Muslim, Allah writes at that very moment a punishment of the blazing fire for this man.”


Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says,

“The false witness may not even have moved from his place but that the punishment of fire will have already become incumbent for him.”


 The Holy Prophet (S) says:

“False testimony before an oppressive ruler is not yet complete when a place in the fire (Hell) is already decided (for the false witness).”


The Messenger of Allah (S) has also said,

“One who testifies falsely against someone will be hung by his tongue with the hypocrites in the lowest portion of Hell.

And if one usurps the property of his believing brother, Allah does not give an increase in his sustenance till he repents for it.”

 (Wasa’il ul-Shia)

 Hazrat Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) narrates from the Holy Prophet (S) that he said,

“One who hides testimony before a just Islamic judge, or gives a false testimony to shed the blood of Muslims or intends to usurp a Muslim’s property by it, he shall be raised on the Day of the Judgment in such a condition that there will be darkness before his eyes and his face will be scratched. The people shall recognise him by these signs (that he had testified falsely).”

(Wasa’il ul-Shia)

 The Holy Prophet (S) asked,

“Shall I inform you about the Greater of the Great sins?”

The companions said, “Why not, O! Prophet of Allah (S).” The Prophet (S) said,

“To make someone a partner of Allah, and disobedience to parents...” The Prophet (S) was resting his back against the wall. Now he sat up straight and continued in a more serious tone, “And beware! (Every) Falsehood!”

The narrators say that the Holy Prophet (S) has denounced falsehood so many times that we wished he had not done so.

(Mustadrak ul-Wasa’il)

 Since we have already explained that ‘falsehood’ includes every type of lying it also includes false testimony. The Holy Prophet (S) has also described ‘falsehood’ to be a Greater sin. False testimony is a manifold sin. Firstly because it is a lie which is a greater sin, secondly because it amounts to falsely accusing a Muslim which is also a greater sin and thirdly because it is instrumental in oppressing an innocent person which is still another greater sin. Also, through false testimony a person tries to acquire something which does not rightfully belong to him, thus making unlawful thing lawful, which is prohibited by Allah (S.w.T.). Lastly usurping somebody else’s property is also a greater sin. Thus we can say that many great sins constitute a single sin called, ‘false testimony’.

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