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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 19 The Seventeenth Greater Sin: Lying 4. Lying in jest and pleasantry

4. Lying in jest and pleasantry

4. Lying in jest and pleasantry

 Lying in jest is another kind of falsehood. For instance, telling a simpleton that, “A certain lady wants to marry you,” or “that person has invited you for dinner tonight,” when actually there is no truth in it. This type of falsehood is also Harām as proved conclusively from the traditions.

 Certain Mujtahids opine that if something untrue is said in jest, and it is clearly understood to be a joke, then it is permitted. However, other Mujtahids regard even a falsehood in jest to be absolutely Harām, whether it is an apparent joke or not, as a precautionary measure. The traditions also confirm that lying even in jest is not permitted.


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