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Qa‍af and the Responsibility of Other Muslims

Qa‍af and the Responsibility of Other Muslims

According to the philosophy of Islam, if a Muslim hears of another Muslim being accused of adultery or sodomy he should not pay heed to it. It is Harām for him to believe it. It is also Harām to repeat this slander to others. Till four just witnesses testify before the qazi and the qazi issues his decree, it is Harām to associate any one with these sins. Even if one has witnessed the crime with his own eyes or believes the accuser, one should not spread the slander. Such an action would cause the accused person to lose his honour and dignity in people’s estimation. This is totally unacceptable in Islam.

Till four just witnesses have not testified, the accuser should be regarded as a liar and a transgressor, and it is Wajib upon the person who hears him to consider him so, even if what he says is true. It should be said to the accuser, “This is a great allegation. We do not accept that the statement is correct according to Shari’a.”

 “Surely they who concocted the lie are the party from among you. Do not regard it as an evil to you, nay, it is good for you. Every man of them shall have what he has earned of sin and (as for) him who took upon him the main part thereof he shall have a grievous chastisement.

Why did not the believing men and the believing women, when they heard it, think well of their own people and say: this is an evident falsehood?

Why did they not bring four witnesses of it? But as they have not brought witnesses they are liars before Allah.

And were it not for Allah’s Grace upon you and His Mercy in this world and the hereafter, a grievous chastisement would certainly have touched you on account of the discourse which you entered into.

When you received it with your tongues and spoke with your mouths what you had no knowledge of, you deemed it an easy matter while with Allah it was grievous.

And why did you not, when you heard it say: ‘It does not beseem us that we should talk off it, glory be to Thee ! This is a great calumny?’

Allah admonishes you that you should not return to the like of it ever again if you are believers.

And Allah makes clear to you the communications, and Allah is knowing and wise.

Surely (as for) those who love that scandal should circulate respecting those who believe, they shall have a grievous chastisement in this world and the hereafter and Allah knows while you do not know.

(Surah an-NÅ«r 24:11-19)

 Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) explains,

“One who speaks wrongly about the believer and says something which he has neither seen nor heard himself is from those who have been mentioned in the verse:

 “Surely (as for) those who love that scandal should circulate respecting those who believe they shall have the grievous chastisement in this world and the hereafter and Allah knows while you do not know.”

(Surah an-NÅ«r 24:19)

 In conclusion, it is Harām to accuse anyone of fornication and sodomy without having seen the act with one’s own eyes. Even after seeing it, it is Harām to speak of it till four just witnesses testify having seen it.

 But, if a husband accuses his wife wrongly of adultery, four witnesses are not required. It is sufficient for the husband to say before the qazi in the prescribed manner, “I am the liar, may the curse of Allah (S.w.T.) be upon me.” And his accusation is admitted. This order is known as “laÄ«” in Islamic terminology. And the accuser must fulfill the conditions as mentioned earlier in which case two just witnesses could testify that he has committed a calumny. As a result of this he is liable for penalty (eighty lashes). But these lashes would be lighter than those which are prescribed for the adulterer and the alcoholic. Also, the slanderer will not be lashed on a naked back like an adulterer and the alcoholic. He would be allowed to wear his shirt during lashing.

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