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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 13 Eleventh Greater sin: Sodomy A Homosexual Shall be Counted Among the People of Lut (a.s.)

A Homosexual Shall be Counted Among the People of Lut (a.s.)

A Homosexual Shall be Counted Among the People of Lut (a.s.)

Three days passed, then ‘Ali (a.s.), Umar and some of the heirs of the murdered man went to the grave. Upon reaching there ‘Ali (a.s.) asked, “Is this the grave of your man?” “Yes” they answered.

‘Ali (a.s.) ordered the grave to be dug out. Amazingly the dead body had disappeared from it. ‘Ali (a.s.) said,

“Allahu Akbar! I have heard the Holy Prophet (S) saying that, ‘Whosoever from my Umma commits the act of the Umma of Lut and dies before repenting for it shall not remain in the grave for more than three days. The earth will suck him inside and he shall reach the place of the dead of Lut. Where destiny annihilated them. Then that person will also be counted among them’.”

(Kitab Mualim-uz-zalfa)


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