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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 11 Ninth Greater Sin: Usury When taking interest is permitted

When taking interest is permitted

When taking interest is permitted

 There are Three types of people between whom the taking and giving of interest is allowed:

 (1) Father and son: The father and son can enter into a transaction of interest. But a transaction of interest between mother and son is Harām.

 (2) Husband and wife: The husband and wife can charge interest from each other. For example one of them gives a hundred rupees and demand one hundred and fifty rupees in return. It is permitted.

 (3) The Kafir who is not staying in an Islamic country: A Muslim can take back more but he cannot give him more. As far as the Zimmi Kafir (one who is staying in an Islamic country) is concerned it is Harām to enter into a transaction of interest with him. Taking and giving of interest both are Harām in this case.

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