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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 11 Ninth Greater Sin: Usury Usury is Worse Than Adultery

Usury is Worse Than Adultery

Usury is Worse Than Adultery

The Noble Prophet (S) says:

“If a man commits adultery with his mother in the Holy Kāba this act shall be seventy times lighter than the act of usury.”

(Wasa’il ul-Shia)

Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says:

“In the eyes of Allah, taking one Dirham of interest is worse than thirty incestuous acts.”

(Wasa’il ul-Shia)

A previous tradition describes this sin to be seventy times more than adultery. There is one more report where taking a Dirham is equated with twenty such acts.

(Wasa’il ul-Shia)

 Even in today’s world, the scourge of interest has spread to such a magnitude that economies are on the verge of collapse. Some economists say that interest is necessary for development. If this had been true then Islam would not have prohibited it. At the present time there are two schools of economics whose ideology is not based on interest. One is Communism and the other Islam. Whereas the foundation of imperialist economy is based upon interest. Even the Communist and the Islamic schools of economies differ greatly.

Unlike the Communists, Islamic government has never felt the compulsion to accept interest as inevitable, in order to fit the logistics of economy. And yet, Islamic economy is not known to have weakened because it does away with interest.

 Yes, it is a necessity for the few selfish and greedy people who wish to add to their already enormous wealth, by increasing the miseries of the poor and the destitute. Their aim is to enslave the deprived people. We are well aware of the logic of these hoarders.

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