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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 10 Usurping the Property of the Orphans The Affairs of the Orphans Should be Conducted With Care

The Affairs of the Orphans Should be Conducted With Care

The Affairs of the Orphans Should be Conducted With Care

The guardian of an orphan shoulders a very serious responsibility. He should judiciously spend for all the needs of the orphan, neither being miserly nor extravagant.

The guardian should strictly maintain the account of the orphan’s expenditure separately and club it with his own family expenses. Since it would be more convenient and economical to cook the orphan’s food along with the food for the rest of the family. But the expenses incurred for the orphan must be accurately calculated. It would be highly commendable if the guardian took a little less as the orphan’s share than the calculated amount. He would indeed gain Allah (S.w.T.)’s immense pleasure.

 At times, however, due to the dietary requirements of the orphan, it may be necessary to cook his food separately. This would certainly pose some problems. But the main thing the guardian has to keep in mind is the wellbeing of the orphan and an honest assessment of his expenses.

 This has been permitted because it is easier and much more economical then having food cooked separately for the orphan. However, if there is a great difference between the dietary requirement of the orphan child and other family members, it would be very difficult to adhere to this arrangement. For example, if a child does not eat meat and rice, then it would be difficult to have his food cooked together with the main dish. The thing to be taken care of, is that the well-being and property of the orphan is maintained.

A verse of Surah al-Baqarah says:

 “And they ask you concerning the orphan’s; say: To set right for them (their affairs) is good, and if you become co-partners with them, they are your brethren; and Allah knows the mischief-maker and the peace-maker...”

(Surah al-Baqarah 2:220)

 The above verse was revealed at a time the people were confused as to how they should handle the money of their orphan wards. The verse revealing the severe punishment for those who misappropriate an orphan’s property had struck such fear into the hearts of guardians that they started cooking the orphan’s food separately. They would not even touch the leftovers and allowed them to rot. They then approached the Holy Prophet (S) in a confused state of mind and the above verse was revealed.

 It is evident that we must live together with the believing brother. The Omniscient Allah (S.w.T.) knows what is in our heart, and is aware of our intentions. He knows who intends to misappropriate the property of the orphans and who wants to put right their affairs.

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