
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Guardian of Minor Children

Guardian of Minor Children

The boy who has not reached the fifteenth year cannot spend from his wealth. In the same way the girl who is not yet nine years of age cannot spend from her property. A minor boy or a girl cannot spend from their wealth in any way. Only their guardian has the right to spend from their wealth for their upkeep. The foremost guardians, according to Shari’a are the father, grandfather, mother and grandmother. The next in order is the one who is appointed a guardian after the death of the father and grandfather. He has the right of maintaining the orphans.

If the father and the grandfather die without appointing a trustee for the children, the legal guardian is the ruling Mujtahid or someone appointed by the Mujtahid. In a situation where a ruling Mujtahid is also not present, the Mu’minÄ«n shall maintain the orphans. (This is called UdÅ«l al-Mu’minÄ«n in religious terminology). It would be explained at an appropriate place.


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