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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 10 Usurping the Property of the Orphans This is not Against Divine Justice

This is not Against Divine Justice

This is not Against Divine Justice

We may wonder as to why the innocent children who are not at fault and in no way responsible for the misdeeds of their parents should be the target of oppression and injustice meant for their parents. Is this not against Divine Justice?

The answer to this objection is simple. Allah (S.w.T.) does not appoint any oppressor but when someone oppresses the children, Allah (S.w.T.) does not restrain him. Allah (S.w.T.) witholds His Mercy and favour.

 Bad behaviour towards the children implies that the father wishes the same for his children and also that he has not wished Allah (S.w.T.)’s Mercy and favour upon his children.

Hazrat Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) has stated:

“If the father is virtuous the Almighty Allah protects the children.”

As mentioned in the Qur’anic verses of Surah al-Kahf:

 “And as for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the city, and there was beneath it a treasure belonging to them, and their father was a righteous man, so your Lord desired that they should attain their maturity and take out their treasures, a mercy from your Lord...”

(Surah al-Kahf 18:82)

 Thus it is clear that the Mercy and favour of Allah (S.w.T.) upon the orphans is due to the righteousness of their father. On the other hand if their father had oppressed others than this would have caused them to be deprived of Divine Mercy and favour.

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