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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 9 Seventh Greater Sin: Qat’a ar-Rahm Silet ar-Rahm with the Imam (a.s.)

Silet ar-Rahm with the Imam (a.s.)

Silet ar-Rahm with the Imam (a.s.)

Imam Riďa (a.s.) has informed,

“Those who cannot come for our Ziarat must visit our virtuous followers. They shall get the reward of performing our Ziarat. And those who wish to do Silet ar-Rahm towards us but are unable to do so must do Silet ar-Rahm towards our pious devotees. They shall be given the reward of our Silet ar-Rahm.”

 Respect and honour for the believing brother is the same as respect and honour for the spiritual father (Imam [a.s.]). In the same way, insult and disrespect of the believing brother is equivalent to insult and disrespect to the spiritual father, (the infallible Imam [a.s.]). It is for very reason that insulting a believer brings the wrath of Allah (S.w.T.) upon us and makes us deserving of severe punishment.

We shall conclude with the prayer that Allah (S.w.T.) may give Tawfīq to all of us for doing Silet ar-Rahm and fulfilling the rights of others.


[5] Al-Shahīd Al-Thani Zain Al-Din Al-Jubli Al-Ameli.


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