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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 9 Seventh Greater Sin: Qat’a ar-Rahm Silet ar-Rahm is Wajib Even if One Has to Travel Far to Perform it

Silet ar-Rahm is Wajib Even if One Has to Travel Far to Perform it

Silet ar-Rahm is Wajib Even if One Has to Travel Far to Perform it

It is highly recommended to fulfill the duty of Silet ar-Rahm even if one has to travel a long distance to do so. The Holy Prophet (S) told ‘Ali (a.s.):

“O ‘Ali! Even if you have to travel for two years to do good to your parents, do it, even if you have to travel for one year to perform Silet ar-Rahm to your kinsfolk, do so. Even if you have to journey a mile to see a sick person, do it. Even if you have to walk two miles to attend a funeral, do it. Even if you have to travel four miles to meet a believing brother, do it.”

(Bihār al-Anwār)

 Traditions have stated, as mentioned earlier, that for every step a person takes to visit his relatives, he gets forty thousand rewards, forty thousand of his sins are forgiven and his status is raised by forty thousand grades.


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