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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 9 Seventh Greater Sin: Qat’a ar-Rahm ‘Silet ar-Rahm’ Prolongs Life

‘Silet ar-Rahm’ Prolongs Life

‘Silet ar-Rahm’ Prolongs Life

It is reported from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that he said to Maysar,

“O Maysar, truly your lifespan has increased, what good actions have you been performing?”

Maysar replied, “In my youth I used to earn from my labours an amount of five Dinars a day and I used to give these to my maternal uncle.”

Yaqūb Magribi was once in the presence of Imam Musa al-Kadhim (a.s.). Imam (a.s.) said,

“You and your brother had an argument over the ownership of a house. So much so that you abused each other and broke up the ties of relationsip. Such a thing is not from my religion, neither is it from the religion of my ancestors. Then fear Allah , the One Who is without any partner. Fear the Divine Punishment. Due to this sin, death shall soon separate you (two). Your brother will die in this journey and you shall regret you actions.”

The man asked,”May my life be sacrificed upon you, when will I die?”

Imam (a.s.) replied,

“Your death had also arrived but you did an act of kindness to your father’s sister (your aunt) and thus your lifespan increased by twenty years (or months).”

As Imam (a.s.) has predicted, YaqÅ«b’s brother died before he could reach home and was buried on the way.



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