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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 8 - al-Walidayn(Disobedience to parents) Journey of the Child and the Martyr’s viewpoint

Journey of the Child and the Martyr’s viewpoint

Journey of the Child and the Martyr’s viewpoint

1)      Mubah and Mustahab journey without the permission of parents is Harām. However a business journey and the journey undertaken for acquiring knowledge is allowed according to some Mujtahids.

 2)      Some Jurists are of the opinion that, obedience to parents is Wajib upon the child in every condition where there exists a doubt. Hence if the parents order their son or daughter to eat with them, and if there is doubt regarding the food, it is incumbent to obey the parents. Because, obedience to parents is Wajib while avoiding food in case of doubt, is Mustahab.

 3)      If it is time for prayers and the parents would like to get some work done, it is necessary to carry out the orders before offering Salāt. Here again the offering of Salāt at the earliest is Mustahab whereas the obedience to parents is Wajib.


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