
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Single Action, Multiple Rewards

Single Action, Multiple Rewards

Hazrat Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said,

“What prevents you from serving your parents in their life and death? The Holy Prophet (S) remarks about the goodness to parents after death. “Perform their ‘Salāt’ (if some Wajib prayers have been omitted by them, the eldest son should perform them himself, or have them fulfilled by someone else on payment. However, if no Wajib prayer is remaining upon them, then he could pray Nawafil Salāt for them or have them performed on payment.) Pay Sadaqah on their behalf. Complete their Qa‍a fasts and fulfill the obligation of their Hajj. Whatever you do, both of you will be rewarded (i.e.you and your parents).

 Apart from this, goodness to parents carries double rewards. One for the action itself, and second for the benevolence towards the parents.


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