
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Respect For Parents

Respect For Parents

As it is Wajib to fulfill the rights of the parents, it is also necessary to give them due respect and honour. Numerous traditions have been recorded from the Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s.)

 1)      One must not address the parents by their names. However, they can be addressed by their title or kunniya.

 2)      One must not precede them while walking, nor should one sit down before them.

 3)      While having meals one should not begin before the parents. Hazrat Imam Zayn ul-’AbidÄ«n (a.s.) did not have meals with his mother for the fear that he may pick a morsel which she intended to.

 4)      One must never sit with one’s back to our parents in a gathering.

 5)      While speaking, one’s voice should not rise above the voice of one’s parents.

 6)      One should not do anything that would cause the parents to become a butt of criticism. We must not insult the parents of others, or they would insult our parents in retaliation.

 7)      Hazrat Sajjad (a.s.) saw a young man walking on the street with the support of his father’s hand. He was much displeased and did not even speak to the boy again.


 It is the unanimous opinion of the jurists that ‘Ahsan’ of parents means refraining from everything that displeases them.

The following actions are considered disrespectful:

 1)      Not providing them with the necessities, thus compelling them to beg for them.

 2)      Not inviting them to a function where others have been invited.

 3)      Not getting presents for them from a place where one had been to, on a journey.

 All the above acts are Harām. In addition, the jurists also consider the following actions Harām:

 1)      To turn away from the parents with disdain.

 2)      To sit with one’s back towards the parents.

 3)      To speak in a voice louder than the parents.

 4)      Walking ahead of the parents.

 If any of them do not cause disrespect or displeasure, they are allowed. However, to refrain from them is ‘mustahab’.

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