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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 8 - al-Walidayn(Disobedience to parents) Service to Parents is Better Than JihadService to Parents is Better Than Jihad

Service to Parents is Better Than JihadService to Parents is Better Than Jihad

Service to Parents is Better Than Jihad

Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that a young man presented himself to the Holy Prophet (S) and said that he wanted to participate in Jihad. The Holy Prophet (S) told him:

“Certainly, go for Jihad in the way of Allah. If your are killed you will be alive near Allah and be provided sustenance from Him. The recompense for your sacrifice would be with Allah. If you return alive your sins would be washed off as if your were a newborn child.”

This man said: “O Prophet of Allah, my parents are alive and they are aged and have great expectations from me. They do not like me to be away from them.”

The Holy Prophet (S) said:

“If that is so, then stay behind to serve your parents. By Allah in whose hands is my life, to serve parents for a day and night is equal to a year of Jihad.”

Another tradition from Holy Prophet (S) says:

“Acquire your place in Heaven by serving your parents. If you are guilty of ‘Ä€q’ then make Hell your abode.”

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