
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

What is Āq al-Walidayn?

What is Āq al-Walidayn?

Allama Majlisi (r.a.) writes in his commentary on al-Kāfi:

Ä€q al-Walidayn means that the son or the daughter cause disrespect to parents by speech or actions. Or they do not obey them in matters which are within reason and matters which are not in any way against religion.

Āq al-Walidayn is absolutely Harām. The books of traditions of both the Shias as well as the Sunnis validate this fact.

To look at the parents with anger is Āq, to cause unhappiness to the parents results in Āq. It is Harām to take any step, which one is sure, will displease the parents.


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