
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 7 Fifth Greater Sin: Murder Permanent Chastisement is Exclusively For unbelievers

Permanent Chastisement is Exclusively For unbelievers

Permanent Chastisement is Exclusively For unbelievers

One of the beliefs of the Shia Ithna Ashari school of thought is that eternal punishment is only for the Kuffar (Unbelievers). In other words, if a person dies in belief, he will not remain under punishment forever, even if he has killed a believer (or someone else whose killing has been prohibited according to the Divine command), or even though he has committed other greater sins. Hence the verse mentioned above has been explained in various ways. One possible explanation is that: one becomes eligible for eternal punishment only if he murders the believer because of his Imān (belief). If such is the case, then, the killer is indeed liable for everlasting chastisement, for he considered the murder of a Mu’min as Halāl, whereas it is Harām. To consider a murder of a believer Harām is an article of faith. Consequently one who does not have this belief is a Kafir.


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