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Separation is the Most Painful Experience

Separation is the Most Painful Experience

If we are able to achieve success, be it material, intellectual or even spiritual, at all times we should be aware that our achievements are a Grace and Mercy from Allah (S.w.T.), and not the result of our own capabilities. Thankfulness to Allah (S.w.T.), alone earns Allah (S.w.T.)’s approval. Pride and ingratitude will forever separate us from our Creator and this is the worst of the punishments.

Amir ul-Mu’minÄ«n ‘Ali (a.s.) says in Du’a al-Kumail:

Suppose, My Lord! My Master! My Cherisher! I am able to endure your punishment, how can I endure separation from Thee. Suppose I am able to endure the heat of Thy fire, how can I endure not gazing upon Thy generosity.


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