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Third Greater Sin:Qunut (Despondence)

Chapter 5 

Third Greater Sin:Qunut (Despondence)


In the tradition from Imam Riďa (a.s.) where he has listed the Greater Sins, despondence is mentioned after despair (Yās). Qunut (despondence) is described as the condition where one’s heart loses hope of Allah (S.w.T.)’s Mercy and that person does not even dislike the hopelessness. According to the religious scholars the difference between Yās and Qunut is that the term ‘Yās’ is used in general cases and ‘Qunut’ in special cases. It means that ‘Yās’ describes the internal condition of one’s heart. When this internal hopelessness intensifies to a degree whereby its effect becomes manifest outwardly and seem obvious to the common people, it is called ‘Qunut’.

In short whoever expresses hopelessness by his speech or actions is actually a victim of ‘Qunut’.

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