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Delay in the Acceptance of Prayers Causes Nearness to Allah (S.w.T.)

Delay in the Acceptance of Prayers Causes Nearness to Allah (S.w.T.)

Sometimes there is a delay in the acceptance of prayers because, to supplicate Allah (S.w.T.) continuously is the best of worship. It is the Mercy of Allah (S.w.T.) that he may want us to continue to pray to Him. It is a means of seeking nearness to Him. For whomsoever He wishes good, He gives him the Tawfīq of supplicating Him by delaying the acceptance of his prayers.

 Allama Majlisi (r.a.) writes in the book ‘Hayatul Qulub’ that Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says in a reliable tradition, “Hazrat IbrahÄ«m (a.s.) used to visit the populated cities and the desolate forests so that he could derive lessons from the creatures of Allah (S.w.T.). One day he saw a worshipper busy in prayers. His dress was made of fur and the surroundings filled with his intonation. Hazrat IbrahÄ«m (a.s.) was astonished at his appearance. He went towards him, sat down and waited for him to conclude his prayers. When he finished his prayers, Hazrat IbrahÄ«m (a.s.) said, “I appreciate your way and want to befriend you. Tell me where do you stay so that I could come to meet you whenever I want.” He said, “You will not be able to travel on my path.”


“I walk on the surface of the water.”

Hazrat IbrahÄ«m (a.s.) said, “The Almighty Allah who has given you the capacity to walk on water, can also enable me to do so. Come, arise, today I shall spend the night with you at your residence.

When they reached the bank of the river the man uttered “Bismillah” and stepped in the river and was soon on the other side of it. Hazrat IbrahÄ«m (a.s.) also recited Bismillah and crossed the river. This man was astounded. Then both of them entered his house.

 IbrahÄ«m (a.s.) asked him, “Which is the most difficult day?” He replied, “The day Allah will reward and punish all His creatures according to their deeds.” IbrahÄ«m (a.s.) said, “Let us together pray that Allah may protect us from the hardships of this day.”

According to another report Hazrat IbrahÄ«m (a.s.) said, “Let us pray together for the sinful believers.” The worshipper said, “I will not participate in this prayer because I have been praying for something for the past thirty years and till date it has not been fulfilled, so there is no scope in praying for something else.”

Hazrat IbrahÄ«m (a.s.) said, “O worshipper! when Allah holds a creature dear He delays the acceptance of his prayers so that he may continue to plead and supplicate Him. On the other hand when He dislikes a person He answers his prayers immediately or creates hopelessness in his heart so that he would stop praying.”

Then he asked the worshipper about his prayer which has not been accepted till then. He said, “One day I was busy in my prayers when I saw a handsome boy grazing a herd of sheep and goats. I asked him whose animals were those. He said they belonged to him. Then I asked him who he was. He said that he was the son of Khalilullah (Friend of Allah) IbrahÄ«m (a.s.) and that his name was Ismail. At that moment I prayed to Allah to let me see my ‘Khalil’ IbrahÄ«m (a.s.).” IbrahÄ«m (a.s.) said, “Now your prayer has been answered. I am that IbrahÄ«m (a.s.).” The worshipper became extremely overjoyed and embraced IbrahÄ«m (a.s.). He kissed his head, eyes and hands and thanked the Almighty Allah with sincerity. After this both of them together prayed for the believing men and women.

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