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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 4 Second Greater Sin: Yās (Deaspair) Cure for Hopelessness in Difficult Times

Cure for Hopelessness in Difficult Times

Cure for Hopelessness in Difficult Times

If a person is involved in worldly problems he should turn towards two realities. Firstly, this world is a place of test and trial for everyone. There is no one who could escape its clutches. Secondly, one must look at the conditions of people who are worse off than us. In this way one can get peace and solace by comparing ones condition with that of others. Even in the greatest calamities, we should continue to rely upon the Mercy of Allah (S.w.T.). Many a people of the past had been afflicted with tribulations with no relief in sight. But the Merciful Allah (S.w.T.) gave them success. In the book “Faraj Bād as Shiddah” the respected author, Husain bin SaÄ«d Dabistani has recorded more than 500 incidents where people, surrounded by troubles from all sides were given relief by Allah (S.w.T.) after all hopes were shattered. Further we ourselves witness many cases where the invocations and Sadaqah of the religious personalities help the people out of difficult situations. In the same book there is an incident where a resident of Madinah says, “I was rich and had all the good things in life. Eventually I became poor and destitute. So I went to Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) and told him of my problems. He expressed pity upon my condition and recited the following couplets for my sake, “If you fall into difficult times do not be impatient. Because for a long time you have experienced comfort.

 Then after every discomfort is comfort and consolation. And the saying of Allah (S.w.T.) is the most truthful. ‘So do not despair, certainly despair is disbelief.’ Allah (S.w.T.) may enrich you in a short while. After that do not forget your Lord. Certainly Allah (S.w.T.) fulfills His promise. If the intellect had the capacity to produce food the wealth of the world would be only with the intellectuals. Beware, do not lose hope when you face calamities. Behind the curtains are concealed astounding candles (of hope).”

The narrator says, “When I heard these lines my grief changed into happiness and hopelessness turned into optimism. Very soon the doors of Mercy opened upon me and my bad times changed for the good.”

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