
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 4 Second Greater Sin: Yās (Deaspair) Fifth Example: He Creates Without an Apparent Cause

Fifth Example: He Creates Without an Apparent Cause

Fifth Example: He Creates Without an Apparent Cause

Even if the apparent causes, both material and non-material ones, are absent, Allah (S.w.T.) creates them by His unsurpassed power. There are numerous examples of such a phenomenon. The foremost example is that of the father of man, Hazrat Adam (a.s.) whom Allah (S.w.T.) created without the union of a male and a female. Adam (a.s.) came into existence from non-existence. Similarly Prophet Isa (a.s.) was born to the chaste maid, Janabe Maryam (a.s.) even though a man had not touched her.

Hazrat Yahya (a.s.) was born to Hazrat Zakaria (a.s.) when he had reached an extremely old age and when his wife had lost all hopes of conceiving. Hazrat Ishaq (a.s.) was born to Hazrat Ibrahīm (a.s.) when Hazrat Ibrahīm was aged and inspite of his wife Janabe Sarah being barren previously.

 The Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad (S) did not attend any school nor did he learn from any teacher. He was not trained to read and write by any mortal. Yet, he was the teacher of humanity and was having command upon the Qur’anic sciences. In fact his personality was a conglomeration of the qualities of all the previous prophets. The presence of such outstanding qualities in one person without any apparent causes, can only be understood to be the Divine will.


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