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The Deceitful Person Deceives Himself Alone

The Deceitful Person Deceives Himself Alone

Someone enquired from the Holy Prophet (S) as to how could salvation be attained on the Day of Judgement? He replied,

“It could only be possible if one does not deceive Allah. Certainly if anyone tries to deceive Allah he is himself deceived by Allah (i.e. he is repaid for his deceit) and Allah takes away belief from him. If he possesses reason he should know that in trying to deceive Allah, he is only deceiving himself.”

“How can Allah be deceived and defrauded?” a person asked. The Prophet (S) continued,

“The person fulfills all his religious obligations but his aim is to please someone other than Allah. Fear Allah and restrain from ‘Riyah’. On the Day of Judgement the deceiver (Riyakār) will be addressed by four titles, ‘O Kafir, O Sinful, O Crafty one, O Loser, your deeds are nullified and the reward of your deeds is lost. Today you have no worth whatsoever. Go and seek the reward of your deeds from those, to please whom you performed your acts.’

(Muhajjatul Baidha, Bihār al-Anwār)

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