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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 3 First Greater Sin: Shirk (Polytheism) The Lord of the Worlds and the Lowly Man

The Lord of the Worlds and the Lowly Man

The Lord of the Worlds and the Lowly Man

The human being is a lowly creature. So lowly that he cannot even seek nearness to the Almighty, let alone achieve it. That is why Allah (S.w.T.), by his unsurpassed Wisdom and infinite Mercy appointed the Last Prophet (S) as an intermediary to form a firm link between the lowly man and the Almighty Allah.

Due to the presence of this Wasilah (intermediary) the soul of man is affected to such a degree that it undergoes a transformation. Just as alchemy changes the base metal into pure gold, the heart of the worshipper become pure and is filled by the light of the Creator, repelling the darkness of Ignorance. Gradually he rises in status as his worship enables him to rise up towards the Divine. He thus achieves the best of both the worlds.

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