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What the Holy Prophet (S) Says Regarding Ūli’ l-’Amr

What the Holy Prophet (S) Says Regarding Ūli’ l-’Amr

Jabir ibn Abdullah Ansari (a.r.) reports, “I asked the Holy Prophet (S) that I know Allah (S.w.T.) and His Prophet (S), but I do not know the Ūli’ l-’Amr.” The Holy Prophet (S) replied,

“They are my Caliphs, O! Jabir, and Imams of the Muslims after me. The first of them is ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.), then Hasan, then Husain, then ‘Ali ibn Husain, then Muhammad bin ‘Ali known in the Tawrat as Al-Baqir, thou wilt shortly meet him O Jabir; so when you meet him, convey to him my Salām; then Ja’far ibn Muhammad, then Musa bin Ja’far, then ‘Ali bin Musa, then Muhammad bin ‘Ali, then ‘Ali ibn Muhammad, then Hasan bin ‘Ali, then my name sake and one having my kunniyat. They are the decisive argument of Allah on this earth and the mainstay of His religion among mankind. The last of them is the one whom Allah will give victory over the east of the earth and the west; and it is he who will disappear from his Shias and friends. A long concealment, during which no one will remain firm in the belief of his Imamat except those whose hearts Allah has tested for faith.” Jabir (a.r.) asked, “Will his Shias derive benefit from him during his concealment?” “Yes”, said the Apostle of Allah, “By him Who raised me up with Prophethood,verily they will obtain light from his ‘NÅ«r’ and will benefit by his Wilāyat during his concealment, like people derive benefit from the sun when it is covered with clouds.”

(Yanabiul Mawaddah)

 So, it could be concluded from this tradition that the obedience of the Holy Ahl ul-Bayt (a.s.) is equivalent to the obedience of Allah (S.w.T.). Those interested in more details can refer to the book ‘Ghayatul Marām’. In the fifty-ninth chapter of this book, four traditions from the Sunni sources and fourteen from the Shia sources are mentioned. In the same book, in the 121st chapter, four traditions from the Sunni books and twenty-eight from the Shia sources are recorded.


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