
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 3 First Greater Sin: Shirk (Polytheism) Are the Religious Scholars Ūli’ l-’Amr?

Are the Religious Scholars Ūli’ l-’Amr?

Are the Religious Scholars Ūli’ l-’Amr?

Some scholars claim that by Ūli’ l-’Amr is meant the religious leaders (Ä€lims). But, the Ä€lims are not infallible (MasÅ«m). All the Ä€lims are prone to commit mistakes. That is the reason why there are differences in the religious rulings. Secondly infallibility is an inward quality which cannot be perceived by the people. That is the reason why the Ūli’ l-’Amr could only be designated by Allah (S.w.T.) and appointed by the Holy Prophet (S).


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