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Back You are here: Home Library Ethics Greater Sins Chapter 3 First Greater Sin: Shirk (Polytheism) Human Strength is Limited by Divine Will

Human Strength is Limited by Divine Will

Human Strength is Limited by Divine Will

The strength and the capacity of all the human beings is surrounded by the Divine decree and Allah (S.w.T.)’s will. As we see that a person makes an intention to do something but at the last moment his plans are foiled.

He is unable to complete the task that he had initiated due to the loss of capacity. Actually, what he intended to do was against the Divine will and thus he is hindered from the task. A person inquired from Amir ul-Mu’minÄ«n ‘Ali (a.s.), “My Master! How did you recognise (realize) Allah?” He replied, “I recognised Him by witnessing the abrogation of intention and the failures of strengths.” Allah, undoubtedly is the initiator of all that moves in the Universe and He is the original cause of the various effects in the created world. To acknowledge Allah as the base of everything and to have a firm belief in this is the pinnacle of Tawhid (Belief in the Oneness of Allah).

However very few people are able to achieve this stage of Tawhid. But if one develops a firm conviction that the cause of every effect, whether material or spiritual is Allah, alone, he develops some peculiar characteristics. One of such characteristics is the Fear of Allah (S.w.T.).


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