
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Human Strength

Human Strength

 Whatever a human being is able to achieve, is by the strength, the capacity, intellect and will power bestowed on him by Allah (S.w.T.). By thought and perseverance, he can make use of these favours to distinguish between good and evil and perform his deeds. Anyone who does not ponder upon the designs which embellish the doors and walls of this world is himself lifeless like the walls. The observation of the creations around him offer enlightenment to the intelligent mind. But one who does not deliberate (ponder), cannot know Allah (S.w.T.) through His creations and thus he rejects the existence of Allah (S.w.T.).

Is there anyone who could produce sweet fruits from woods (of trees)? Does anyone possess the miraculous capability of growing colourful flowers from (among) the thorns? He is that Pure and Flawless God who by His Divine plan and order created the day and the night and gave the light to the sun and the moon.

He is an incomparable king who neither requires a constitution nor a treasure. He is that designer who does not need paints or the tools of designing.

He causes the water springs to erupt from the stones and makes the rain to descend from the clouds. He creates honey from the bee and silk from the silkworm.

If all the creatures come together to discuss the bounties of Allah (S.w.T.) and continue upto the Day of Qiyāma, they will not have accomplished even a thousandth fraction of their task.

 “And if you count Allah’s favours, you will not be able to number them; most surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”

(Surah an-Nahl 16:18)

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